I met a friend and her husband for the lunch the other day.

We were chatting, as we are both business owners, about what we struggle with and what we have learned especially over the past year. As I was talking about one of my struggles, her husband looked at me and said, "you can't be afraid of a no."
As soon as he said that, I said, that's one of my core items of my goal breakdown program - No is not a bad word. I wasn't afraid of a no, I just didn't want to be pushy. I'm from the south after all.
I kept thinking about that part of the conversation on my way home and I realized he was right. I was holding myself back because I was afraid of hearing them tell me no, when it's something I'm passionate about and something I believe can be truly life changing. And that's when I remembered, you never stop learning. You never stop growing.
I am always reading - books, magazines, online articles, blog posts, etc. I want to keep learning, I never want to remain stagnant. And you know what is a part of learning? Sometimes re-learning old items and also realizing you are not perfect. Yes, you read that right. I am NOT perfect. I am far from it. Do I joke and tell my parents "I know" when they tell me I'm right? Yes. But I am not perfect.
I am thankful for people in my life that share their family and family time with me. People who are comfortable sharing their opinions and not afraid to call me out on something. I try to always remain teachable, but this is a reminder that sometimes I have to put my ego aside and grow, right alongside my clients.
What are you afraid of? What have people called you out on but you dismissed? It's time to be honest and revisit those items.